Pay It Forward
16 Years | $30 Million in Giving
Pay It Forward is a unique initiative at Bell Bank, putting dollars into the hands of our Bell team members every year so they can give where they see the most need. This tradition has empowered millions of dollars in grassroots giving and impacted tens of thousands of lives.
2007 Bell president and CEO Michael Solberg announces the Pay It Forward initiative at the company's Christmas party.
2008 Employees starting giving away their Pay It Forward funds, carefully choosing needs and causes they care about.
2010 Pay It Forward at Bell reaches $10 Million in giving since the program began.
2020 During the pandemic, Bell's majority owners announce they are doubling employee's Pay It Forward dollars for 2020.
16 Years
How it Works
Every year, each Bell Bank employee receives funds to give as they choose to individuals, families and organizations in need.
Each full-time employee gets $1000 and each part-time employee gets $500.
Dare 2 Stand Out
Chris and Kelly Mapes were at their friends’ cabin when they received the news: Chris’s brother Danny, had passed.
Tomorrow Needs You
Bobbi Prochnow had just landed in Mexico, to celebrate turning 50, when she got the call.
A Lifelong Experience
For youth cycling coach Wes Biesen, a love of racing on 2 wheels has translated to a passion he wants to share with kids.