Pay It Forward - A Bike for Carter

12/3/2017 2:00:00 PM

Pay It Forward

“Carter is just the happiest kid you’ll ever meet. He lights up the room. He lifts your spirits right away.” – Darci Eggen, Bell Bank commercial lender

He was once too anxious to ride a bicycle, but now 10-year-old Carter Kava zooms around town with a giant smile on his face, thanks to a Pay It Forward donation.

Bell Employees

Amy Bookman
Danica Sinner
Dari Eggen


Carter Kava

The Need

Carter Kava has Williams syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that includes cardiovascular disease, developmental delays and learning challenges. Children with the condition often require ongoing medical care and early interventions, such as speech or occupational therapy.

Carter was anxious about riding a bicycle, but his parents knew it was an important developmental milestone, so they looked into buying him a recumbent bike.

The Impact

When employees in our Wahpeton branch learned about Carter’s need for a special bike, they decided to use their Pay It Forward funds to buy it for him.

The bike arrived just in time for Carter’s birthday. He was excited when the Bell employees walked down the sidewalk, singing “Happy Birthday,” and carrying an ice-cream cake and balloons. When he found out they were also giving him the bike, his reaction was priceless.

“It just felt incredible to see him go down the block and ride by himself,” remarks Kerri Kava, Carter’s mom. “I’m just excited that he’s able to have this for the long run, and who knows how many times we’ll see him riding around town.”
