Home is Where the Heart Is
11/26/2019 2:00:00 PM

Fargo Teller Recognized with Bell Bank Award
When Kristi Nielsen, a vault teller at our headquarters location in Fargo, learned that her son’s friend was in desperate need, she did everything she could to help.
Kristi was talking with her son, Ty, when he mentioned that he was worried about a friend who said he would be sleeping at the park. After learning that the boy’s dad had some recent trouble, and his son could no longer stay with him, Kristi immediately drove Ty to find his friend. They found him in the park and offered to let him stay at their house.
When Kristi found out the boy's birthday was 2 days later, she bought him a new shirt, made him a cake and set up a large "blow-up balloon cake" outside his bedroom door the morning of his birthday (a Nielsen family tradition).
“Due to Kristi’s selfless response to the boy’s situation, he had a warm, safe place to stay, while his dad was getting things in order,” remarks Sherry Price, teller supervisor. “This is such a wonderful example of the kind, thoughtful person Kristi is and how she and Troy have raised their kids to be the same way.”
Kristi was honored with a Bell Value Award for going above and beyond to pay it forward. The Bell Value Awards are our company’s highest honor, recognizing the special ways employees take care of each other, our customers and members of the community.
“Taking my son’s friend in was almost a reflex reaction,” Kristi comments. “I saw the deep concern in my son’s eyes at the thought of a friend not having a place to sleep. It was dark by the time he came home, so we headed out to find him within a few minutes. I don’t think the tires had stopped rotating when Ty jumped out to track him down.”
Throughout the year, employees nominate each other for “How Bell of You” awards, which recognize those who excel in demonstrating our values of service and paying it forward. Those employees are then considered for Bell Value Awards.
“The Pay it Forward program has made such an impact on so many people – I’m so proud to work for Bell and be able to share the good that they promote,” Kristi says. “It’s definitely very humbling to have won the Bell Value Award, as there are so many deserving stories!"