
Bell Bank Executives

Michael Solberg headshot

Michael Solberg

Bell President, CEO


Laine Brantner

EVP/Chief Operating Officer

Patrick Chaffee headshot

Patrick Chaffee

EVP/Banking, Wealth Management and Insurance

Tim Gelinske

Tim Gelinske

EVP/Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships

Jerrod Hanson

Jerrod Hanson

EVP/Chief Financial Officer


Gary Inman

EVP/Information Systems Manager

Lynn Johnson headshot

Lynn Johnson

EVP/Retail Banking & Marketing

Julie Peterson Klein

Chief of Staff and EVP/Chief Culture Officer

Todd Lee headshot

Todd Lee

EVP/Banking and Lending Administration


Blake Nelson

EVP/State Bankshares Chief Financial Officer


Jesse Schwab

EVP/Chief Risk Officer

Jenny Senecal headshot

Jenny Senecal

EVP/Chief Credit Officer

Tony Weick headshot

Tony Weick

President/Bell Bank Mortgage